Community-focused Complex Care Coordination Teams

What is community focused complex care coordination?

Community-focused complex care coordination provides a case management style of service intended to ensure that care and support in the community is coordinated and tailored to the needs of the client and their carers. An expected outcome of service is a reduced reliance on the emergency department and hospital services.

The service also assists with hospital discharge planning for patients known to the service.

Complex care coordination is delivered through three programs including:

  • Complex Needs Coordination Teams (CoNeCT) of North and South Metropolitan Health Services
  • Complex Care Coordination Program at WA Country Health Service Sites.


There is no charge for users of this service.

Who receives the service?

Referrals to care coordination services are made through respective public hospitals.

More information

For program information please contact the Aged and Continuing Care Directorate on 9222 4134.

Produced by

Subacute, Community and Aged Care Directorate